Welcome to the

Sonic Entanglements Website

Here, you can read the description of the project and our latest news and events. You can also find information about the people behind the project and our different institutional partners.

In the Listen section, you will find the latest episode of the Sonic Entanglements Podcast. Project partners also curate and share historical and archival sounds that they are working on in the Sound Bite section. Please check them out and have a listen.

If you have questions or comments, please let us know through the contact page.

Sonic Entanglements, funded by the Dutch Scientific Research Organization (Nederlands Wetenschappelijk Organisatie – NWO) is headed by dr. meLê yamomo and is embedded at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Read the Latest News:

Performing the Archives: Bědhaya Dance as Living Javanese Court Chronicles

»듣기에 대한 삼각법: 듣기의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 세 가지 생각« / Trigonometry of Listening: Three Thoughts on the Past, Present, and Futures of Listening

Worlding Feminist Theatre & Performance Historiography

Sonic Entanglements Podcast

Listen to the latest episode:

07 Nadja Wallaszkowits (Part 1) | Vienna Phonogram Archive: The Role of Scientific Sound Archive in Academic Research Sonic Entanglements Podcast

In 2018, I interviewed Dr. Nadja Wallaszkowits, head of the audio department at the Sound Archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Nadja is responsible for developing customized audio technologies for field recordings, as well as in audio restoration, re-recording and digital archiving. Her customized equipment and operation procedures became the standard in many other sound archives in the world. In this first segment of a two-part episode, Nadja lucidly elaborates on the specific role that a scientific sound archive plays for the scholarly community. She also explains the technological support that her institute provides for researchers.    Dr. Nadja Wallaszkovits managed the audio department as a specialist for audio restoration, re-recording and digital archiving and is consultant for archival technology for various institutions internationally. Dr. Wallaszkovits is Audio Engineering Society (AES) President Elect, Vice Chair of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), and a member of the IASA Training & Education Committee. Since 2020, she was appointed Professor of Conservation and Restoration of New Media and Digital Information at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design.   Sonic Entanglements is hosted and produced by meLê yamomo. Thijs van den Geest is our sound engineer and sound editor, and Jean Barcena is our publicity manager. Our theme music is created by Markus Hoogervorst.  For more information, visit www.sonic-entanglements.com. 
  1. 07 Nadja Wallaszkowits (Part 1) | Vienna Phonogram Archive: The Role of Scientific Sound Archive in Academic Research
  2. 08 Nadja Wallaszkowits (Part 2) | How did sound recording and archiving shape the way we listen?
  3. 06 Harry van Biessum | Uncovering Dutch Colonial Media at the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision
  4. 05 Gerda Lechtleitner | Listening to the History of the World's First Sound Archive

Sound Bites

Read the latest articles:

Performing the Archives: Bědhaya Dance as Living Javanese Court Chronicles

[Sound Bite] Jaap Kunst – Flores

[Sound Bite] Soekarno, Music, and Decolonization

Sonic Entanglements, funded by the Dutch Scientific Research Organization (Nederlands Wetenschappelijk Organisatie – NWO) is headed by dr. meLê yamomo and is embedded at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

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Through our newsletter, we share news about the latest episodes of the Sonic Entanglements podcast, articles on the Sound Bite series, invitations to live events, and personal messages from the team. If you would like to receive updates from us every two months, you can subscribe to our newsletter.