Last month, I had the privilege to have talked, collaborated, and traveled with archivists, historians, and scholars working on sound histories of Southeast Asia. The group discussed sonic understandings, materialities of sounds, and listening as a community at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and at the University of Amsterdam. Some of us travelled further to visit the different archives in Hilversum, Amsterdam, Berlin, and Vienna. We reanimated spirits in Southeast Asian voice recordings from a century ago stored in repositories around Europe. I’m very lucky to have Barbara Titus to have crazily agreed to co-convene this nine-day/four-city workshop/conference/archival tour project. We are deeply thankful to all the participants (some of whom travelled across oceans) for generously sharing their time, thoughts, and reflections to dis/entangle sonic histories.

I’m also grateful to the different institutions who have made this event possible: The NWO-Veni Project “Sonic Entanglements”, the Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies, the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, The University of Amsterdam – Department of Music Studies, the Lautarchiv der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the Berlin Phonogrammarchiv, and the Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

We are excited about our plans to have some of our workshop papers published, and we are thinking about aural ways of sharing our conversations and journeys. We also plan to get together again next summer. We will keep you posted about these upcoming news. You can read more about our workshops and tour at http://sonic-entanglements.com/workshops2019

Pingback: New Publication about Sound Archives – DeCoSEAS
Pingback: The Persistent Refrain of Colonial Archival Logic / Sounding Out the Jaap Kunst Collection – Sonic Entanglements