The website of the Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives (DeCoSEAS) has been launched! Meet the DeCoSEAS collaborators and institutional partners, and know more about the different initiatives of the project. Coming soon, the website will…
Browsing Category Event
KVNM Musicological Expo 2020
The Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands invites everyone to join their Musicological Expo on 12 December 2020. Sonic Entanglements PI and Project Leader meLê yamomo will be speaking in the first panel…
“Archives and Transcultural Composition” Panel at Curating Diversity in Europe Symposium
The symposium “Curating Diversity in Europe”, taking place online (September 25, 2020) and offline (May 2021), offers a platform for keeping the discourse on diversity in contemporary music in Europe alive, developing potentials for transformation during…
Prof. Barbara Titus – “Sonic Entanglements on Tour: Visiting Colonial Sound Archives in the Early Twenty-First Century”
Prof. Barbara Titus will deliver a lecture at the Center for Ethnomusicology at Columbia University on 23 January 2020 entitled, “Sonic Entanglements on Tour: Visiting Colonial Sound Archives in the Early Twenty-First Century”. In this…
Sonic Entanglements Team at the “Inward/Outward” Symposium
The Sonic Entanglements Team composed of Prof. Sri Margana (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Vincent Kuitenbrouwer (University of Amsterdam), and meLe yamomo will have a panel at the “Inward/Outward” Symposium organized by the Dutch Institute of Sound and Vision and the KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute…
Sonic Entanglements on Tour: A short update by meLê yamomo
Last month, I had the privilege to have talked, collaborated, and traveled with archivists, historians, and scholars working on sound histories of Southeast Asia. The group discussed sonic understandings, materialities of sounds, and listening as…
Sonic Entanglements: Sound, Archive, and Acoustic Historiographies in the Asia Pacific
9 September | 10:30-17:30 | Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum10 September | 10:00-16:00 | VOC Zaal, University of Amsterdam This workshop gathers together scholars of history, anthropology, ethnomusicology, performance studies, media studies, and…
Sonic Entanglements Workshop and Archival Visits 2019
Between 9-16 September, The Sonic Entanglements Research Project gathers together scholars of history, anthropology, ethnomusicology, performance studies, media studies, and psychology, as well as archivists working on Southeast Asian sound histories in a series of workshop, panel discussion, and archival…
EuroSEAS 2019
dr. meLê yamomo is convening a double panel, entitled, “Sonic Entanglements: Sound, Archive, and Acoustic Historiographies in Southeast Asia” at the EuroSEAS (European Association for Southeast Asian Studies) Conference to be held at the Humboldt…
Call for Paper »Sonic Entanglements: Sound, Archive, and Acoustic Historiographies in the Asia Pacific«
Convenors: meLê yamomo and Barbara Titus (University of Amsterdam) In partnership with Harry van Biessum (Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision) 9 September | 10:00-17:00 | Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum 10 September…