Congratulations to the Philippine Pavilion at the Venice Biennale for the successful opening of Mark Salvatus’s »Sa kabila ng tabing lamang sa panahong ito / Waiting just behind the curtain of this age«, curated by Carlos Quijon…
Browsing Category Publication
Out Now! “Transnational Philippines: Cultural Encounters in Philipine Literature in Spanish”
Transnational Philippines: Cultural Encounters in Philipine Literature in Spanish, edited by Ortuño Casanova María del Rocío & Axel Gasquet. University of Michigan Press, 2024, which includes meLê yamomo’s chapter, “La Sonoridad del Mundo en Manila…
Book Launch: The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism
On Wednesday, February 7, the Amsterdam Museum is hosting a drinks reception in honor of the launch of The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism (Amsterdam University Press, 2024). Barbara Titus and meLê yamomo…
Out Now: New Music and Institutional Critique
Congratulations to the editors, Christian Grüny and Brandon Farnsworth, for launching the new collected volume, “New Music and Institutional Critique” From the blurb: “This open access volume assembles for the first time an array of…
The Persistent Refrain of Colonial Archival Logic / Sounding Out the Jaap Kunst Collection
DeCoSEAS project leaders meLê yamomo and Barbara Titus published a joint article about the complexities of curating colonial sound archives with DeCoSEAS concerns forming the core of the article. The article titled, “The Persistent Refrain…
The DeCoSEAS website is now live!
The website of the Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives (DeCoSEAS) has been launched! Meet the DeCoSEAS collaborators and institutional partners, and know more about the different initiatives of the project. Coming soon, the website will…
DeCoSEAS in Folia Magazine
The University of Amsterdam magazine, Folia published a news feature about DeCoSEAS. In this feature about “hidden archives” at UvA, project leaders, Barbara Titus, and meLê yamomo talk about their plans to disclose the Jaap Kunst Ethnomusicology Collection….
DecoSEAS on ‘Les carnets de la phonothèque’
The Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives (DeCoSEAS) project was brought to the attention of our francophone partners through the French blog Les carnets de la phonothèque of the Maison Méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme. The full text…
DeCoSEAS on the Dutch Newspaper NRC
In February, DeCoSEAS project leaders meLê yamomo and Barbara Titus explained the aims and vision of DeCoSEAS in the Culture Section of the Dutch national newspaper NRC. Through their engagement with the Jaap Kunst Sound…
The ASCA Awards Committee gave the 2019 Best Article Awards to dr. meLê yamomo
This year’s ASCA article award goes to a book chapter, “Medializing Race: Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Colonial South East Asia” by meLê yamomo, published in Uncle Tom’s Cabins: The Transnational History of America’s most Mutable…