Now out: The Asian Culture Center Sound Lab Research Catalogue, »듣기의 미래: 도시« / Futures of Listening: City, curated and edited by 김광래 Featured in the book is an introductory article by dr. meLê yamomo, »듣기에 대한…
Posts tagged meLê yamomo
Worlding Feminist Theatre & Performance Historiography
On 9 May 2024 (Thursday), the Sustaining Global Connections In Feminist Theatre & Performance Historiography, Wilfried Laurier Univeristy, and the University of Toronto, under the curation of Dr. Colleen Kim Daniher will host the Worlding Feminist Theatre…
Decolonizing Sound Workshop in Toronto
Next week in Toronto, Venus Fest, ArtsEverywhere Festival, and Musagetes will host the Decolonizing Sound Workshop conducted by dr. meLê yamomo at InterAccess on Monday (May 6). Please see the poster for details on how to sign up.
La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities
As part of Société de musique contemporaine du Québec‘s Homage Series to Sandeep Bhagwati (Concert Season 2023-24 ), Concordia University is organizing the conference, “La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities.” dr….
Congratulations to the Philippine Pavilion at the Venice Biennale!
Congratulations to the Philippine Pavilion at the Venice Biennale for the successful opening of Mark Salvatus’s »Sa kabila ng tabing lamang sa panahong ito / Waiting just behind the curtain of this age«, curated by Carlos Quijon…
»Plot(ting) Launch«
Come join us at Gerrit Rietveld Academie tomorrow. dr. meLê yamomo and his Sound as Decolonial Method class will give a performance lecture together as part of the “Plot(ting) Launch” organized and curated by Liza Prins. Join…
Out Now! “Transnational Philippines: Cultural Encounters in Philipine Literature in Spanish”
Transnational Philippines: Cultural Encounters in Philipine Literature in Spanish, edited by Ortuño Casanova María del Rocío & Axel Gasquet. University of Michigan Press, 2024, which includes meLê yamomo’s chapter, “La Sonoridad del Mundo en Manila…
Book Launch: The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism
On Wednesday, February 7, the Amsterdam Museum is hosting a drinks reception in honor of the launch of The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism (Amsterdam University Press, 2024). Barbara Titus and meLê yamomo…
Out Now: New Music and Institutional Critique
Congratulations to the editors, Christian Grüny and Brandon Farnsworth, for launching the new collected volume, “New Music and Institutional Critique” From the blurb: “This open access volume assembles for the first time an array of…
»Het Lichaam als Archief, Geluid als Erfgoed« Interview between meLê yamomo and Charlie Crooijmans
“The composer meLê yamomo will receive the Open Ear Award on November 2, which the Trillende Lucht Foundation awards to composers who “show a world of their own” in their work. The awards ceremony will…